AQUASEF took part in the XV Spanish National Aquaculture Congress

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The XV National and I Iberian Congress on Aquaculture was held in Huelva, from 13th to 16th of October 2015. The event aimed to become a collaborative working forum to tackle the main sectorial goals at a regional and national level, i.e.: a specific legislative framework; research, development and training for an increase in productivity and competitiveness; marketing with high performance.


IMG 20151014 105212On October 14th, a technical session focused on "Eco-Efficient Technologies for aquaculture production" took place. In this session, AQUASEF project and its technologies were unveiled and there was a debate forum on the most efficient practices in aquaculture and their social impact.

The second workshop took place at this session, with an attendance of 31 participants. The key challenge to be achieved was to gauge the degree of knowledge on the efficient technologies for oxygen generation on aquaculture production process and to determine the need to further development of these technologies according to experts and professional sector.

In parallel, there was an intention of create a starting baseline for:

The workshop was moderated by Ms. Myriam Retamero (CTAQUA) and featured presentations of Ms. Maribel Rodriguez (ARIEMA, AQUASEF project coordinator), who explained the general objectives and progress of the project, Mr. Rafael Luque (ARIEMA) who detailed the installation of Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in the project and Mr. Javier Dávila (Drops & Bubbles Tech) who reported on the technologies used in the cultivation of microalgae and microbubbles generation for the oxygenation of the tanks).

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The results of the workshop indicated that up to 37% of those attending the meeting had prior knowledge of AQUASEF project. There was an increment in the dissemination due to the workshop development.

Another result pointed out in the session was the common agreement on the need to work on eco-efficient technologies for oxygen generation and specially the need to work on automatic processes and the development of robust systems for these technologies .
It was also stressed the need to work in the current certifications on sustainability specifically designed for the sector.

Download the presentations: 

As well as participanting with these oral communications during the workshop, ARIEMA participated in the XV National Aquaculture Congress with the poster in the image, focused on the development of Hydrogen and Fuel Cells technologies in the Aquaculture sector.

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