Successfull AQUASEF project networking event in Madrid


Last May 18th, the partnership of AQUASEF project "Ecoefficient technologies developmet for the environmental improvement of aquaculture" organized a networking event for LIFE projects of aquaculture interest in the General Secretariat of Fisheries (Spanish Ministry of Agriculture and Enviroment), Madrid.  

The event brought together more than 40 participants, experts in aquaculture or with experience in LIFE environment projects from other fields with potential application in this sector. 


The meeting was opened by Ms. Aurora de Blas Carbonero, Deputy General Director of Fisheries Economics, who introduced the session with a presentation on why in Spain innovation is essential to ensure the competitiveness of the aquaculture sector and what tools exist to promote it.

Aditionally, the event counted on two round-table talks: the first one, with the participation of representatives of AQUASEF partnership, was focused on sharing the advances of this project, in which innovative techniques for aquaculture are being developed, such energectic provision through renewable sources, the use of Hydrogen as energetic vector and the utilization of Oxygen left over from water electrolysis for tanks oxygenation through highly efficient tecniques. 

The second round table was focused on sharing other LIFE projects of interest or potential applicability in the aquaculture sector, as well as sharing experiences in the development of these projects and useful lessons learned for other entities with LIFE projects underway or approval pending.

The event was really successfull, as the collected opinions from the assistants showed, and the presentations (carried out in Spanish) are available bellow:  

Access to the final event programme.

 1. Context: Why innovation in aquaculture sector? by Mrs. Aurora de Blas, Deputy General Director of Fisheries Economics, General Secretariat of Fisheries (Spanish Ministry of Agriculture and Enviroment)

2. AQUASEF project: context, specific objectives and expected results, by Mrs. Maribel Rodríguez Olmo, ARIEMA Energía y medioambiente S.L., AQUASEF project coordinator. 

Round table I: LIFE AQUASEF "Ecoefficient technologies in aquaculture sector" 


Chair person: Mrs. Myriam Retamero, Centro Tecnológico de la Acuicultura de Andalucía (CTAQUA)


3. Energetic optimization and the use of renewable energy in aquaculture sector, by Mr. Javier Leal, INOMA Renovables S.L.

4. Environmental improvements from the use of Hydrogen and Fuel Cells technologies in aquaculture sector, by Mr. Rafael Luque, ARIEMA Energía y Medioambiente S.L.

5. Best oxygenation techniques in salty water cultivation tanks and valorization of subproducts, by Mr. Álvaro Lobo, Drops & Bubbles Tecnología S.L.

6. Experience as the final user of these technologies, by Mr. Ángel Carro, Esteros de Canela S.A.

* This round table did not count on presentations, it was held with projected images. 

Round table II: Other LIFE projects of interest or possible applicability in aquaculture. 


Chair person: Ms. Marina Cárdenas Herrero, ARIEMA Energía y Medioambiente S.L.


7. LIFE REWIND - Profitable small scale renewable energy systems in agrifood industry and rural areas: demonstration in the wine sector, by Mr. Javier Carroquino, Zaragoza University. 

8. LifeHyGENet - Hydraulic co-generation system in water abduction and distribution network, by Mr. Manuel Alejandro Hernández, PRODINTED foundation. 

9. LIFE ENVIPHAGE- Evaluate the effect of phages use in environmental bacterial ecology, by Mr. Igor Hernández, AZTI Tecnalia.

10. LIFE CO2 ALGAEFIX CO2 capture and bio-fixation through microalgal culture, by Mrs. María Segura Fornieles, Algaenergy.

11. LIFE SEACAN- Reducing the pressure of fish canneries on the marine environment with novel effluent treatment and ecosystem monitoring, by Mr. Rubén Reif, CETAQUA.

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